Cas's Personal Biography

Cas came to Animal Wonders from an animal facility in Illinois to become an Animal Ambassador and teach about animals that are struggling to stay off the endangered species list. He is the only arctic fox in Montana and we're delighted to be able to share this magnificent species with the public. He lives with Seraphina, the red fox, and they love to play rough and tumble games with each other. Cas is learning how to walk on a harness and go to presentations. He is still very young and we're taking it slowly to ensure he stays comfortable as he learns how to be an Animal Ambassador.
Cas was grey as a kit, but as the winter months come on he has grown a magnificent white winter coat! Nature is truly an amazing phenomenon!
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Cas was grey as a kit, but as the winter months come on he has grown a magnificent white winter coat! Nature is truly an amazing phenomenon!
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Cas' Videos
Cas' first adventure in the snow. It didn't seem to phase him at all, he acted like nothing was new.