PingPong, and Boomerang's Biography

PingPong and Boomerang were found abandoned in an apartment. Their rescuer tried to find them a good home, but after a year without success, they were brought to us. They arrived in 2017, and they were pretty shy. Since then, they have become more confident and are even able to go to public presentations now.
PingPong and Boomerang enjoy eating treats and kids love watching them hold their food and munch on it in delight. Sugar gliders have a special way of welcoming you into their group by scent marking (peeing) all over you. Sometimes a lucky audience member gets to be the object of their affection.
PingPong and Boomerang are estimated to be around the same age, born between 2014-2015, they are wonderful ambassadors teaching about nocturnal marsupials of the rain forest, and the challenges and responsibility of caring for an exotic animal as a pet. We hope they continue teaching for years to come!
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