Ringo's Biography

Ringo came to Animal Wonders in 2020. He was born in the wild but was orphaned when he was an infant. A wildlife rehabilitator rescued him and cared for him but Ringo became imprinted on the caregivers. This meant he couldn't be released back into the wild, so we were contacted to take him in. Ringo has always been a sweet guy and he has settled in really well.
One thing we have discovered about Ringo is that he is incredibly curious. He loves to explore and play with new toys! He is also very smart so we love to hide his food in puzzle toys and other enrichment and watch as he tries to figure out how to get the food.
Ringo is comfortable with his keepers but he isn't quite ready for shows yet. Hopefully in the future he can become an ambassador for his species and we can bring him to shows! Raccoons are incredible animals and we can't wait to teach others about their awesome adaptations!
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One thing we have discovered about Ringo is that he is incredibly curious. He loves to explore and play with new toys! He is also very smart so we love to hide his food in puzzle toys and other enrichment and watch as he tries to figure out how to get the food.
Ringo is comfortable with his keepers but he isn't quite ready for shows yet. Hopefully in the future he can become an ambassador for his species and we can bring him to shows! Raccoons are incredible animals and we can't wait to teach others about their awesome adaptations!
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